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Nexus Foundation Special School

Hadlow Estate supports Nexus Foundation Special School

The ancient practice of coppicing is regularly carried out in woodland on the Estate, providing a sustainable timber source as well as creating a diverse range of habitats. It’s also now helping children at a local special school, which was in need of a little help with its new sensory garden project.
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Man Checking Barn Owl Box

Hadlow Estate barn owl project progress

We recently welcomed reporter Jo Burn from BBC Radio Kent, who joined us for what is always an exciting day on the Estate. As part of our ongoing barn owl box project, Mark Pritchard from the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership visited us to check on our boxes.
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Men Holding Barn Owl Box

Barn owl boxes on the Hadlow Estate

As part of a long standing relationship with the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership, new barn owl boxes have been put up in carefully selected locations around the Estate. It’s hoped the birds will use them to lay eggs and raise their young.
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