Almost a quarter of the Estate is woodland and forestry. As well as being a beautiful nature reserve, enjoyed by many, it is also a source for locally grown, sustainably harvested timber, and we, hope in the long term, a contributor to rural crafts and employment.
We have recently re-started more active forestry and woodland conservation across our woodlands, starting with selective thinning of conifers which were planted for timber some 60-80 years ago. We are also selectively removing some Oak for timber framed building and planking.
Much of our woodland at Pembury is Sweet Chestnut, which has been coppiced for hundreds of years and provides timber for fencing, pales and garden equipment, as well a renewable source for wood chip.
Any woodland and forestry management plan, is by its nature, very long term, with a production cycle of decades, and we look forward to planting more deciduous native woodland for future generations to enjoy and harvest.